Art Deco Inspired Candle Sconces


Art Deco Design

Art deco was a radical designs movement after the art nouveau movement of the late Victorian period into the early 20th centure.  Art deco features smooth lines and industrial shapes.  Also, new materials, like stainless steel, were incorporated into art deco design.  A perfect example is the Chrysler town in New York City.


 The sculptural quality of these candle sconces is notable with the curves and hemispherical accents.  The decorative accents are painted with the awesome silver spray paint I recently featured in a post.


Black is Nice Contrast to the Silver Finish

To really make the glossy silver paint stand out, I chose a glossy black oil based enamel. I do use acrylic paint on metal but oil based enamel is the best. Many times,  a couple coats of oil based enamel is all that is needed.  These are fairly popular and easy to make so I make these to order.  Just check out the listing on my Etsy shop.

Awesome Silver Metallic Spray Paint


Metallic Spray Paint for Artists and Crafters.

It is not too often you will hear of anyone praising a generic store brand product from a home improvement store for craft use.  But this gem of a spray paint is certainly an exception.  I was expecting a typical dull metallic silver paint.  I was quite delighted to create an almost polished chrome look on my candle holders.  All I did was apply white oil based primer for clean ferrous metal.  Then I smoothed out any fish eyes or any other blemishes.  Once smooth,  I applied a very light coat at first.  I waited 10 minutes then applied a couple more coats.  The beauty with this paint is it dries to the touch in 10 minutes and fully dry in an hour.  You can apply more coats at any time!  See the candle holder set to view the finish or check it out in my Etsy shop.

IMAG3003 IMAG3002

Awesome Steel Storage Shelf


Steel Shelf Handmade

With spring finally coming after one of the harshest winters of this generation, I feel the strong need to reorganize my tools and materials.  I looked for good used industrial shelving on craigslist but did not find much of interest.  the ones I found were either too big or too expensive.  I also did not want to commit to buying 25 units from a warehouse either.

The steel shelving sold at the local home improvement stores cost well over $100 and are not made of the most robust materials either.  So I set my sights on crating my own.  I could use stronger material  efficiently at a lower cost.  So I headed to Warner Steel to pick up some 14 gauge steel tubing and 2 inch by 1/8″ angle iron.


To to save a little on weight and cut cost a little, I used 3/8 round bars as the end of the shelf units.  The angle iron sides will provide a suitable lip over the particle board shelves to help secure items stored.  Also, I left the shelf unit unfinished so I can easily make additions and modifications as I see fit.  It will be enclosed in a storage unit out of the elements so all is well.  When I am satisfied, I will paint the assembly with oil based enamel.  Until then, enjoy and don’t forget to check out my Etsy shop.